Mulai tanggal 18-20 Maret kemarin FMIPA Khususnya Jurusan Kimia telah menerima kunjungan 3 Professor dari Universitas Nagoya untuk memberikan informasi tentang program-program serta research terkini yang sedang berlansung di universitas Nagoya. Ketiga Professor tersebut adalah: Prof. Berthold Fischer, Prof. Peter Butko dan Prof. Stephan Irle.
Detail biography ketiga professor tersebut beserta outline kuliah yang telah disampaikan saya sertakan di bawah ini dengan harapan ada topics dari Bapak/Ibu yang bersesuaian. Disamping itu, Nagoya University sangat welcome terhadap student exchange karena juga mempunyai international program:
1. Prof. Peter Butko
Title “Water, water everywhere… and its effect on biomolecular interactions”
Abstract: Water molecules redistribute and reorient around objects immersed in water. This rearrangement, in turn, may influence the shape or structure of the immersed objects and the interactions between them. When the objects are large biopolymer molecules, for example ion channels or enzymes, we will find that water may have an unexpected but decisive role in control of many important biological processes. The lecture is quite interdisciplinary, bridging physics with chemistry and biology, but at the same time it is very accessible and does not presuppose much specialized knowledge.
Biosketch: Prof. Butko is a biophysical chemist with research interest in biomolecular interactions. Topics of his studies include: enzyme/ligand binding, whose regulation is important for many biological processes; amyloid formation, which plays a role in neurodegenerative diseases; and interaction of proteins, peptides and dendrimers with lipid membranes, which bears relevance to pest control, cell lysis, and intracellular drug delivery. He is also an internationally recognized educator, interested in improving curriculum structure and delivery in science education. He studied physics at Komensky University in Slovakia and received PhD in Biophysics from Hungarian Academy of Sciences. After a career in USA, which included appointments at Harvard Medical School and University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, he was at the start of the government-sponsored international G30 Program at Nagoya University Chemistry Department.
2. Prof. Stephan Irle
Title: “Toward an Understanding of the Dynamics of Complex Chemical Systems”
My autobiography:
Stephan Irle has performed research in quantum chemistry and computational nanomaterials simulations in Germany (master thesis), Austria (PhD thesis), the United States, and Japan. His specialty is the quantum chemical molecular dynamics (QM/MD) simulation of complex chemical systems using approximate density functional theory. Target areas are biosystems, excited states of large molecules, ionic liquids, and transition metal cluster compounds. Complementary studies of chemical reactions and molecular properties, and the development of methodologies for QM/MD simulations accompany this research.
3. Prof. Berthold Fischer
2 parts (total about 1 hour):
Title Part 1: “Research areas overview of the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Applied Chemistry at Nagoya University”
Title Part 2: “Nagoya University and its Global 30 International Programs”. The second part will not only cover Chemistry but could also be interesting for students from all fields of Science and Mathematics