Seventh Summer Research Program from July 25st (Mon) to August 5th (Fri), 2016.
Open to international students from Brazil, France, Indonesia, Scotland, Taiwan, USA, and Vietnam. Selected students will be assigned to a lab within the campus of the Faculty of Medicine or Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences. The students take part in research, attend lectures, and present their research results. During the 2 week period, both international and our students are expected to have an opportunity for cultural exchange and communication.
We plan to have special lectures and social events. Cultural talks are also planned to provide the students with opportunities to learn about Japanese culture. The students are expected to work hard and play hard and get the most out of this program. I sincerely hope that the Summer Research Program becomes an unforgettable experience for all the participating students.
Koji Hisatake, M.D., Ph.D.
Chair, Frontier Medical Science Program
- Undergraduate (3rd, 4th or 5th year) or Graduate (1st and 2nd year) students
- Grade Point Average (GPA) of above 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or 75% (out of 100)
- Passport (valid till end of Jan 2017)
Deadline for application
May 20th, 2016
Tentative schedule
- July 25: Orientation
- July 25 to August 4: Research activities in selected laboratory
- July 26 and 28: Cultural talk
- July 30: Special lecture and excursion
- August 5: Presentation session
- August 6: Depart Tsukuba
Limited number of travel scholarship are available to qualified candidates.