UGM will have an aggreement with Vrij University Amsterdam Nederland for an exchange program with Chemistry IUP UGM.
The schedule of the exchange program is as follows.
Sep-Jan (Nomination 15 April)
Feb-Jun (Nomination 15 October)
Courses include:
Biochemistry of Health and Disease
Climate Science
Environmental Toxicology
Systems Ecology
Introduction to Biogeosciences
Isotope Geochemistry
Molecular Cell Biology
Sedimentary Environments
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Molecular Microbiology.
Students are encouraged to join this program. The tuition fee is waived. See your program coordinator (Dr. Roto) for details.
Teman-teman alumni S2 kimia ugm, ada info lowongan dosen di teknik lingkungan UII dari email pak Hudori. monggo yang berminat:
Kepada Yth :
Ketua Jurusan Kimia FMIPA UGM
Kami dari Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan UII Yogyakarta membuka lowongan dosen
untuk lulusan S1 dan S2 Kimia terutama untuk bidang Kimia Lingkungan.
Adapun informasi detail
tentang rekruitmen dosen tersebut dapat dilihat di website :
Terima kasih
Please find below the information about the Master in Materials Science Mamaself, proposed by a Consortium of 5 European Universities in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus program.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (Dr. Roto) for any question. Mamaself_2016-2018_Flyer